Friday, July 8

Fast Food Tips

Fast Food team is proudly presenting Fast Food information. You got addictive with Fast Food, and do not know how to stop it? Some Fast-Food restaurants still use hydrogenated vegetable oils for frying. These oils contain trans fats, which increase your risk for heart disease. Here are tips to Making healthy choices when choosing Fast Food:
1. Skip the mayonnaise and other sauces –they can add up to 10g of fat or more. Replace with mustard and ketchup.
2. Avoid soda or juice drinks (like Hawaiian Punch). Try diet soda or better yet, drink milk or orange juice.
3. Ask for less cheese, and choose low-fat toppings such as onions, mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, and other vegetables. Also, dabbing the pizza with a paper napkin will get rid of a lot of the fat from the cheese.

Wednesday, June 29

Fast Food Effects

Fast Food web blog noted that everyone knows about fast food, and tasted it. Some of them enjoyed while eating without think that fast food effects is very dangerous for their health. Fast Food all good tastes, except that it is not nutritionally balanced, therefore unhealthy in the long run if consumed on regular basis. Fast Food consumption has increased in The United State over the past three decades. It's extremely difficult to eat in a healthy way at a fast food restaurant. Fast Food is loaded with calories from sugar and fats (especially the artery-clogging saturated and hydrogenated fats, which are repeatedly reheated to high for frying purposes).

Monday, June 27

How to make Healthy Fast Food

Fast Food team said that Fast food is nice and cheap. Than How to make Healthy fast food ?.......If you are ordering fast food,it will be ready within for few minutes. Some people which is not able to cook or does not have time, they will prefer to order fast food. Unfortunately, they did not think that eating fast food on a regular basis can lead to a host of different health problems, both physical and psychological.

Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants is easier if you prepare ahead by checking guides that show you the nutritional content of meal choices at your favorite restaurants.

Thursday, June 16

Bye....MyPyramid, and hello MyPlate

Fast Food web blog is a right time we say,.....Good Bye My pyramid,and say Hello.......MyPlate.....!
United States Department of Agricultural (USDA), food pyramid was created in 1992, and divided into six horizontal sectionc, which containing depictions of foods from each section's food group. It was updated in 2005 with colorful wedges replacing the horizontal sectoins and renamed MyPyramid. And now,....on the 2010, Dietary Guidelines, from MyPyramid changed to MyPlate food group. MyPlate divides a plate into four labeled section that show what balanced meal should look like. Fruits and vegetables take up half the plate, while the other side offers one section for protein and one session for grains. Dairy is seen to the side in a blue circle much like a cup.

The plate also shows how to balance your food groups. There's a reason the protein section is smaller: You don't need as much from that group. Eating more fruits and vegetables will help you eat fewer calories overall, which helps you keep a healthy weight. Eating fruits and vegetables also gives you lots of vitamins and minerals.